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Do These 6 Things When You Are Unemployed And Looking For A Remote Job

Work From Home
Do These 6 Things When You Are Unemployed And Looking For A Remote Job

The topic of unemployment is not new in India, but the unexpected arrival of the pandemic has given it more push than before. 

Many people lost their jobs, while others were forced to quit in order to safeguard themselves and their families. 

According to the data released by CMIE, the unemployment rate heightened to 9.22% in urban areas and 7.83% in rural areas in April 2022. 

Although Covid-19 is one of the major reasons behind unemployment in India, there are various other reasons that one can have.

For instance, it can be a new mother who wants to take care of herself and her baby along with doing some work from the comfort of her home or a tech guy who wants to change his career into something creative like graphic designing. 

Whatever the reasoning is being unemployed is not a very good situation to be in, but only taking the stress and not taking any action to solve it is worse.

To be honest with increasing options of work from home jobs, it is very possible that you can get employed pretty soon than you believe.  

So what should you do when you are unemployed and looking for remote jobs?

Here are a few tips for you:


When you are unemployed and desperate you might want to go for any job you get. Or with too many options in remote jobs, it might get confusing for you to choose. But we don’t want both these situations to happen. And that’s why it is vital to choose a specific career option for yourself along with determining your career values. 

What should your career values include?

  • Your duties and responsibilities in a job.

  • Which industry do you want to work for?

  • Your salary or pay rate expectations.

  • Commute option (Not really applied here, since you are looking for work from home job).

  • Your preference of working hours (Are you an early riser or a night owl?).

  • Comfortable in working only on weekdays or weekends too?

  • Do you want any benefits from your potential employer like health insurance?

  • What skills do you possess and can use to get hired? Or what skills should you learn according to your career choice?

Once you are clear with your career values, it will be quite easy for you to go further.


So what kind of work-from-home job are you looking for? Now you will say, why are they asking this question? Isn't it clear? Work from home jobs. 

We get it that you are going for remote jobs, but there are types of remote work too. Let's discuss them separately:

  • As an employee

As an employee, you will be working the same as you do in office work. The only catch is that you are working from home. You will follow the same schedule from the office, but you will be showing up virtually. You will have to log in at 9 am and will log off at 5 pm. It will be like your typical Monday to Friday job with weekends off. 

  • Freelancer

A freelancer is someone who provides service remotely. Some examples of freelancing jobs are content/copywriting, graphic designing, data typing, virtual assistant, and many more. Here, you will set your own time and pay rate of working. Obviously, you will need to have virtual meetings with clients and deliver the work within the given period.

  • On contract

The contract basis falls somewhere between an employee and a freelancer. You will not be a full-time worker of the company but will work for a certain period of time. If you seek flexibility with consistency in your employment then a contract basis is the best fit for you.


Goal setting is a vital step for everybody. When you have goals, then navigating through the process becomes easy. You have a final destination to reach and hence the path becomes clear. What kind of goals should you make? For example, if you choose to work as an employee in a company then your goal might look something like this, "I will find a full-time remote job in a tech company as a web developer within 3 months that will pay me Rs. 308,040 per annum with extra benefits”. Clear, concise, and reachable. 


Don’t apply for jobs you are not qualified for. Make sure to read all the requirements, skills, and duties to carry on before sending your resume. Focus on where you are? If you are eligible? Or you need to improvise and polish your skills to get the job. Use a platform like LinkedIn to network with a prospective employer.


Since you are going to be working from home, getting up-to-date with technology is a must. Learn how to use specific software, tools, and other gadgets to ensure you don't get stuck in between. Learn how to use applications like Skype and Zoom for video conferencing. Moreover, to cross the interview round you will need this extra technological knowledge. 


Regrettably, many recruiters see the career gap as a drawback, so if possible filling that gap will be the most sensible thing to do. You can learn new skills & software and volunteer at some Ngo or charity. Also, employers, today use advanced technology to procced all the recruitment processes like ATS. So ensure to make your resume ATS-friendly with the right keywords.   


Unemployment has a different meaning for different people. For someone, it can be a curse, while for others it can be treated as a career break. But do not forget that irrespective of your reasons it can be curbed with necessary actions and dedication. 

Once you are clear with your career choice and remote work type, do check out the Qween website for remote jobs. Here we provide work-from-home jobs accompanied by upskilling and training.

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