There will be opportunities coming along your way, are you grabbing them or kicking them off.
Ask this question again and again: Are you flexible in your approach?
If no, then there is a challenge!!
How many times we let go of an opportunity believing this might not be a real opportunity, but just a different perspective if we allow ourselves to look at the same situation, the same opportunity might be a small milestone to reach our destination.
Now, During my conversation with one of my mentee, I realized she was very much specific with the kind of role she wants. Keeping that in her mind she has already rejected two offers. She has also taken advice from a senior HR fellow who has asked to wait for the right opportunity and not to grab. In that process, she has wasted 6-7 months already. If that opportunity she would have grabbed she would have already come out of her career break. There would have been a list of bonus that would have accompanied with her saying yes to that opportunity:
So, how are we balancing the roles with the opportunities that are coming along our way?
I have nowhere asked to change your destination or goal that you have for yourself, but the important part is strategizing the entire path. The crossroad where we stand today till our destination is a zig-zag route. We shall stop expecting a straight path to the destination. A little flexibility in our approach can be a game changer.
Wise people figure out the way to reach the destination, with flexibility and with strategies, for them the route is conveniently irrelevant.
- By Neha Tripathi (Entrepreneur, Speaker, Trainer, Writer)
Totally apt article .
Totally apt article .
Totally apt article .
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