1) Make a list- of work to be done, the night before you turn in. Now, prioritise on a scale of 1 to 5 – 1 being tomorrow, 5 being 5th day from now, based on urgency. Gives you a great start first thing in the morning
2) Delegate- some tasks like collecting the laundry, dropping a cheque, mailing, getting car tuned-on your driver, or a handyman, or a trustworthy person who can take care of these. You will be amazed at the amount of time you would save from cutting the clutter
3) Get an old fashioned planner- Download, and paste it on a prominent wall. Note down all your birthdays, anniversaries, kids’ major events as and when you are made aware of them. Make your list everyday sitting under that planner, you won’t forget the Independence Day celebrations of your tot’s school and can prepare ahead for the same.
4) Stick to a routine- no matter how tempting living on the edge sounds, day to day life has to be led with a good routine. Better to stick to one than crib about having to rush from one task to other.
5) Spend less time on screen- Relax and enjoy life- Time tends to slow down when there are no network connections, no pings clamoring for your attention. So keep an hour every 3 or 5 hours for your gadgets like Smartphones, tablets, even TVs. When you are not distracted by them, you tend to work faster and achieve more.
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